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We appreciate your interest in supporting the National Council for Leadership (NCL). 

Here is our commitment for your investment.


As you provide NCL with financial support, and in return, we give you positive PR and a boost in business.  We provide our partners and sponsors with the opportunity to increase brand visibility, we recognize their generosity, we offer creative approval, we measure metrics, and we keep lines of communication open.


Brand Visibility

We see your investment as a business arrangement.  We understand that it as a strategic way to build brand recognition and increase sales. We also advocate for our partners and sponsors. Our sponsor's logo will be seen on event collateral. Collateral may include t-shirts, banners, signage, newsletters, print and web ads, radio spots, tweets, Facebook posts, press releases, billboards, invites, landing pages, and email campaigns.



Our sponsors will be recognized for their generosity. Acknowledge in public speeches, board meetings and interviews with the press.  May also include invitations to participate in photos for the local business journals. 

We use Social Media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and may include Podcast, YouTube as well as placing an ad in industry trade publication to thank sponsors for their generosity.  Sponsors will receive priority seating and VIP tickets to the event and wrap around activities included in their package.  


Creative Approval

Our sponsors approve collateral featuring their logo.  Sponsors sign off on, and creative efforts are featuring their logo.



NCL will measure sponsors return on investment. The most common parameters used to measure sponsorship ROI is to evaluate the amount of exposure the sponsor received throughout the campaign. NCL provides a comprehensive list of marketing materials featuring their logo, and the number of impressions it received.

For example:

Ad | Run dates: October 1-October 31 | 500,000 impressions

Email blast | Sent on October 15 | 2,300 opens

Direct Mail | Mailed on October 20 | 40,000 recipients

Facebook Post | Posted on October 23 | 800 likes

Intangibles such as brand affinity, brand loyalty, and buzz are not as easy to measure but can be evaluated through surveys and customer feedback.


Keep the Lines of Communication Open

NCL provides details in writing on sponsorship deliverable and anticipated visibility.


For information on hosting a program and/or leadership clinic, 

please contact us at


For our signature event, please click here for sponsorship levels.  



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NCL  Logo (1).jpg
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